EUSSET Quick Professional Application Form

Paying for your membership via PayPal did not succeed.

Please try again or use the bank transfer option instead.

Bank Transfer

In Europe the best way to pay for membership is via bank transfer to the bank account of the EUSSET foundation:

Social Computing e.V. – EUSSET
IBAN: DE37 4605 0001 0002 1569 09
BIC: WELADED1SIE (Sparkasse Siegen, Siegen, Germany)

Please indicate your name and the purpose “EUSSET membership”.

PayPal (including credit card payment)

[wpecpp name=”Academic Membership (1 year)” price=”50″]
Academic Membership (50€)

[wpecpp name=”Student Membership (1 year)” price=”35″]
Student Membership (35€)

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