Happy 2023! An update from the EUSSET Steering Committee – Elections coming

Dear friends,
we hope that you had a relaxing break and that you had the possibility to enjoy happy moments with your loved ones.

Last year, we were finally able to organize face-to-face events, and thanks to our great hosts, we had amazing times at the ECSCW conference in Coimbra and at the Summer School in Bolzano.

2022 was also another productive year for the EUSSET community. The EUSSET hub is expanding; we had mind-blowing Colloquiums, cozy Get-togethers, and the blog series on our web portal is flourishing (go and look at our Blogger’s Corner if you would like to participate).

This year, we will have plenty of opportunities to meet again, e.g. at ECSCW 2023 in Trondheim, C&T 2023 in Lahti, or InfraHEALTH 2023 in Siegen. And of course at the Summer school at the end of August.

Besides ensuring all activities we have established so far will continue, in 2023, we will further develop our IT infrastructure by offering services for conferences (a best practice handbook, creating a platform for handling registration, and designing a hub to foster communication during the conference), reworking the user interface of our Digital Library, and management of full membership at EUSSET (like the renewal of membership, access to circles).

Another enhancement area is industrial lobbying. In 2023, we aim to create a group of industry and service companies, transfer findings, and create student internship positions to bring researchers and practitioners closer together.

In 2023, after three years of service, the current elected EUSSET core team (Myriam Lewkowicz as chair, Hilda Tellioglu as chair-elect, and Thomas Ludwig as treasurer) will be renewed. Hilda Tellioglu will become the new chair, and the EUSSET community will elect a new chair-elect and a new treasurer. The new core team will then nominate the twelve other officers of the EUSSET Steering Committee.
The fifteen members of the steering committee meet once a month to make decisions on current affairs and discuss the future so that the EUSSET strategy (following our Manifesto) is both discussed and implemented.

Voting for the upcoming election is scheduled from 20 March 2023 to 05 May 2023.
Candidates (for the two elected positions) and volunteers (for the appointed positions) may be nominated (it is ok to self-nominate!) from 15 February to 15 March 2023.
EUSSET officers will hold office for 3 years (till June 2026). Office holders can nominate themselves for a second term and be re-elected/re-appointed for a second term. Their appointment may be extended beyond two terms in special circumstances at the discretion of the Steering Committee. Only EUSSET members (who have paid their fees) may volunteer, vote, and hold elected offices.

The new EUSSET core team will be announced during ECSCW 2023 in Trondheim (05-09 June 2023).

EUSSET is a Europe-based international association of researchers interested in practice-centered computing and socially embedded technologies.

If you’re not a member, join us and help us develop EUSSET!

We wish you all again a very nice year!
The EUSSET Steering Committee

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