Call for Proposals to Host ECSCW 2022, 2023, and 2024

We wish to invite the community to prepare proposals to host ECSCW 2022, 2023 and 2024 at European locations.

ECSCW – The International conference on Practice-centred computing and the Design of cooperation technologies” is a series of conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe. It is an annual conference held in late May/early June under the aegis of EUSSET – The European Society for Socially-Embedded Technologies (

The ECSCW conference is an important venue for defining and further developing the agenda of CSCW research with a focus on the in-depth understanding of human practices and on the design of cooperation technologies based on such understanding.

ECSCW is a single-track conference that contributes to developing an interdisciplinary ECSCW community. The conference format aims to facilitate critical discussion across disciplinary and national borders in the field.

The ECSCW full papers will be published in the CSCW Journal ( Papers accepted as Exploratory papers, or in other categories (such as Notes or panels) will be published on the EUSSET Digital Library (

Expected duties of the ECSCW general chair(s) include: overseeing the overall organisation of the event; putting in place local arrangements for the conference and pre-conference events (booking rooms, catering, registration desk, etc.) or in the case of an online conference organising the hosting/collaboration technologies; assembling an organising committee (in consultation with the EUSSET steering group); liaising with the chairs of specific submission venues and with the members of the organising committee; budgeting and monitoring the financial status of the conference; helping in promoting the conference in collaboration with the other committee members and with EUSSET. 

ECSCW operates a journal publication model in which papers can be submitted throughout the year (so the timeline below does not include journal papers). Those papers which have completed full peer review and have been accepted by April will be invited to present at the ECSCW conference in that year.

The indicative timeline for ECSCW 2022 is as follows (the same timeline is to be applied to subsequent years):

  • Second week in December 2021: submission deadline for other categories (workshops; doctoral colloquium; masterclasses; panels; posters and demos)
  • Last week in January 2022: Exploratory Papers Submission deadline
  • Last week in January 2022: notifications due for other categories (workshops; doctoral colloquium; masterclasses; panels; posters and demos)
  • First week in March 2022: camera ready deadlines for other categories to be submitted in EUSSET digital library.
  • Last week in March 2022: Notifications due to authors of Exploratory Papers.
  • First week in April 2022: Journal paper acceptance cut-off for inclusion in ECSCW 2022
  • End of April 2022: camera ready of Exploratory Papers to be submitted for publication in the EUSSET digital library
  • Late May/Early June 2022: ECSCW 2022 conference

Proposals to host the ECSCW conference should include:

  1. A brief description of the proposed host organization;
  2. Committee plans: the general co-chair(s) must be specified and described through short biographical sketches. Additional information on suggested scientific chairs is welcome, if available;
  3. Description of the proposed venue: Describe the conference location and facilities, as well as availability of accommodation options, travel infrastructure, location attractions and potential social/leisure activities;
  4. Any other relevant issues: for example, any proposed innovations, additional information on venue/location, link to other events/activities organised by the proposed hosts, etc.

The forthcoming ECSCW 2022, 2023 and 2024 conferences will be assigned by the EUSSET Steering Group to hosts selected on the basis of:

  • Their international scientific and service reputation; 
  • Their and the hosting institution’s potential to further the European CSCW community, to strengthen its links to the global CSCW community, and to sustain the future of the conference series;
  • Previous experience in event organisation; 
  • Attractiveness of the venue and location.

Proposals should be sent by the 15 April 2021 to:

Notifications will be sent to proposers no later than 15th May 2021.

Queries regarding the submission and selection process should be sent to:

On behalf of the EUSSET Steering Committee, the umbrella organization behind the ECSCW Conferences

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